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David Crowder – Come As You Are



With years of entertaining witchcraft, abusing alcohol, sexual immorality, and godlessness, it was no wonder I wanted to take my life after the death of our son. When the storm hit, death became my way out. I had embraced death long before I wanted to commit suicide.

I believed this lifestyle would produce life, freedom and happiness, but what I got was death and destruction. It lied to me and I lied to myself.


Why then are we puzzled and confused that there is an epidemic of suicide, when our society has embraced death?

We have welcomed death with open hearts through sexual immorality, abortion, witchcraft, godless entertainment and all forms of drugs without restraint, all of which lead to a consequence of death and destruction.


For some, this message will be hard to hear.  Some may get mad and refuse to take responsibility and others may just disagree.  But, please know that these are the same difficult words God said to me, “You are choosing death, not life.  As a result you are reaping what you have sowed.”

We can become defensive or we can be humble and ask God to reveal to each one of us how we have opened the door to death.

God said, “You want death, I’ll give you death, but if you want life, I’ll give you life. “You get to choose.”


He put this truth in front of my face to show me my own heart that I had chosen death.  He wants mankind to choose life, but we have to receive Jesus, obey and listen to His wisdom.  This is the question we should be asking God everyday.  LORD, show me my heart.  Is there any place in my life that I am choosing death?  Help me to choose life everyday.  Is it in my tongue, my thoughts, my eyes or ears, where I walk or whom I walk with?  Is it with my hands, my body or what I put into my mouth or don’t put into my mouth or what I inject into my flesh?


Suicide is a heart issue where death has been invited in and embraced?  It entered somewhere, somehow long before the attempt.  And if death has entered, then sin is lurking somewhere in the darkness.  For sin is death.

So here is God’s wisdom on the roots of death and how it enters our hearts.



Jesus said in Revelation 2, “You tolerate that woman Jezebel and by her teaching she leads my servants astray into sexual immorality.  Since she will not repent, I will cast her on a bed of suffering and strike her children dead and then all the churches will know that I Am He who searches hearts and minds and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.”


Sexual immorality is sin according to the Word of God and sin brings death.

This verse was fulfilled through my apostasy, sexual immorality, adultery, lust and pornography (before marriage). Sadly, it was also fulfilled through the decision to abort my child (before marriage) if I got pregnant and the whoredom of sexual immorality I brought into my marriage.  I never did get pregnant but I had made an agreement with death, refused to repent of my sin and my first born child (in marriage) was struck dead.

I chose death and got death.  What else should I have gotten? Jesus the Lion of Judah, judged my heart and gave me exactly what I asked for.  According to my deeds, I reaped what I sowed.

The world says, “Embrace sexual freedom, be who you want to be, do what feels good, there are no consequences.” But, little do they know that this freedom comes with a price and that price is death. This spirit of sexual immorality will cover every area of our lives with death: health, children, marriage, family, career, churches, nations and our own soul. I know, because it covered mine.

It would be wise if we examined our hearts, because if we don’t, HE will and it will be a whole lot more painful.

Ask the LORD this hard question, “Have I brought death into my life, health, finances, home, my children, family or marriage from any sexual immorality? “LORD God show me where I have opened the door to death?” Then name the sin of sexual immorality as He reveals, repent and confess it to a trusted individual.

We will be washed clean with Jesus’ blood and healing will begin.



Don’t be fooled. We will each reap what we have sowed. If we sow death, we will reap death. If we sow life, we will reap life.

The choice is ours.

But the enemy lies, “If you sow death, you will reap freedom and liberation. Bondage and shame will vanish like smoke.”

In my heart I chose death. If ever I got pregnant from my sexual immorality, I would abort my child. Even though, I did not get pregnant (before marriage), the spirit of death was still by my side. Why would it leave? I never asked it to go.

Our first born son dead at the hand of my enemies and suicide an easy escape from the pain. That spirit of death did not leave until I named it and repented to God for the sin of choosing death, not life. How long do we want to live with that spirit over our lives? How much destruction are we willing to reap until we repent and say no more death? I choose LIFE!



I entertained witchcraft through spirits, spirit guides, psychics, channeling, Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age, and witchcraft books, new age book stores, horror movies, secular songs, videos, drawings, pictures and games. Through my invitation, this opened the door to death.  No wonder suicide was appealing when the pain hit.


The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (They will inherit DEATH) Galatians 5:19-21


When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 18:9-13


Do not be fooled in thinking, “I don’t practice these things, therefore, I am not involved with witchcraft.” Remember, we can entertain or be entertained by witchcraft.  In God’s eyes, it’s all the same door.  Ask Him, “Have I opened the door of death through witchcraft from movies, games, books, videos, taro cards, psychics, false religion, drawings, pictures, channeling, mediums or seances. Name it and repent of this sin to God.  Get it out of your life and confess your sin to a trusted individual. Don’t point the finger or blame others if they continue to entertain witchcraft.  Focus on the condition of your own heart, pray for them and leave their hearts with God.



Sometimes what we watch, read, play, or listen to does not have anything to do with witchcraft, but may have much to do with sexual immorality, violence, evil, darkness, rebellion to God, dishonoring parents, profanity and deceit. What our eyes see and our ears hear have a great impact on our hearts - for life or death. The entertainment industry, whose livelihood depends on our participation, is going to promote their products as harmless.

And God says, “This industry will reap what it has sown, especially against the children.”


But the Jesus says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”

Matthew 6:22-23



Proverbs states that life and death are in the tongue and we will eat of its fruit. So our words spoken to ourselves and to others can bring forth life or they can bring forth death. Everyday we get to choose whether we possess the tongue of a snake - slander, harshness, anger, criticalness, un-forgiveness, blame, hatred and accusations or the tongue of healing – wisdom, gentleness, love, mercy, encouragement, patience, forgiveness and joy.



We can take care of our bodies and promote life or destroy them. Typically, when we treat them poorly, then there are deeper issues of the heart.

I know of a patient who chose to slowly kill herself with food. It was heartbreaking to watch. Suicide can come in many forms whether food, drink, addictive substances or destructive behavior. We put our hands over our mouths in shock when someone has taken their life violently, but in reality we all have chosen death in some form or another at some point in our lives, especially when it comes to taking care of our bodies.

That’s why it is so important to be humble, meek, and teachable, willing to ask Jesus to examine the heart.



In my professional opinion, vaccines are possibly linked to suicide. We trust in drugs to save us and eventually these idols will kill us. We trust in harmful drugs to heal us more than God.


Vaccines inject metals such as Aluminum and Mercury into the blood which go to the brain and other organs. Injected, metals are extremely toxic to the nervous system and are known neurotoxins. When we get overdosed with these metals, which it only takes one vaccine, then the brain and nervous system become overly agitated and as a result, anti-psychotic drugs are prescribed to calm the brain and nerves. Many times multiple drugs are prescribed at the same time or one drug switched for another. Doctors are prescribing mental drugs like candy with little concern for the side affects or contra-indications with other medications.

It is reported that there are over a half a million babies on anti-psychotic meds. Children experiencing uncontrollable crying, agitation, violence and neurological disorders cause parents to become very concerned. As a result, the children are taken to their friendly pediatrician who puts them on psych meds. When children’s brains grow up with these drugs, which alter brain chemicals and function, then the brain becomes addicted and dependent on mind altering drugs. The side effects of these drugs as well as brain addiction is suicide. We are fooled by a medical industry that tells us these drugs are safe, when clearly they are producing an epidemic of suicide. Children may not be “dying of the measles,” but they are dying of vaccine related suicide.


I had a patient tell me that she quickly stopped her anti-depressants when she found herself desiring to take her life. She said it seemed as innocent and as easy as eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. There was no right or wrong…..just like eating a sandwich.

I know of police officers who have reported carrying out bags full of prescription drugs from veteran’s houses after they have committed suicide. People, WAKE UP! The brain cannot tolerate all those meds until one day it snaps. Let’s shove all those vaccines in our military men and women and then shove more drugs down them when they get out of the service. Their nervous systems are experiencing side affects to the vaccines. We then are surprised and confused at how many of them are taking their lives?

Police officers are prescribed anti-depressants or anti-psychotic meds for work related stress or depression. Why are we surprised at the number of suicides?


People are struggling with mental deficiencies from the use of drugs, whether street or medicinal. Health care provides “anti-mental drugs” to suppress the mental symptoms. This is putting a doily over the problem and calling it health. Like putting a napkin over the dog poop in the living room and hope that nobody steps in it.

There are much cheaper and safer ways to immunize and treat the mentally ill rather than just drugging people until they are sick, insane or dead.  Drugs mask the symptoms, but worst of all, drugs hide heart issues that lead us to depression which is worldly sorrow - sorrowful for the consequences of our sin.



Healing will begin in our families and communities when we finally identify where we have invited the spirit of death and repent with godly sorrow recognizing that our sin is against Christ first and foremost.  Repenting of the sin of choosing death rather than life.  

It would be most wise if we each examined our own hearts before God. Where have I embraced death? How have I opened the door? Repent, confess and be healed. No more shall this spirit of death rule in our land.






Sexual Immorality



Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.  Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. 

Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. 


Scripture quotations are from The ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. 

Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

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