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Speaking the Word

Unspoken - Miracle


Kristene DiMarco – It Is Well



I became sick in 2012. Great fear ran through me. Months before, a patient gave me a book called, Healing The Sick, by T.L. Osborne. She said, “I found this book at a yard sale and the LORD wants you to have it; you are to go deeper. In this book, which is filled with scripture, I learned the power of speaking and believing the Word of God over my life, my sickness, my loved ones and my nation - for it is Jesus. I spoke it day and night and spoke it to the pain, the fear and the sickness. The LORD healed me. For His Word can not return to Him void.

How could I be a doctor running a healing ministry when I didn’t know the fullness of Jesus’ healing? I firmly believe that God allows us to fall into pits; pits that are a result of choices we have made. HOWEVER, these afflictions and adversities are allowed for the purpose of learning God’s healing and wisdom so that we don’t veer near these pits again. He is an amazing Teacher!

We are nothing, we can do nothing and we have nothing to heal ourselves. But we have Jesus and His Word, which is EVERYTHING.



Psalm 1 says blessed is the man who meditates (speaks) the Word of God day and night. He will prosper, be successful and bare fruit in season.


Meditate in Hebrew means to mutter, speak or chew. Like a cow that chews on its cud or a piece of bread that we chew. Our mouth is in motion with the Word.

God commanded Joshua to meditate on the Word of God day and night before entering the promised land; it was not to cease from his mouth. He said meditate on the Word – speak, chew and mutter. There were spiritual enemies in the land, as well as physical, and God wanted His spiritual Sword going before them as well as His Presence to defeat the darkness. Land which was filled with idolatry, sexual immorality, godlessness, witchcraft, rebellion, anger, violence, murder, deceit, thievery, greed and a host of other wickedness. Remember, Satan and his minions are NOT omnipresent and they cannot stand against the Word of God – the Sword of the Spirit - it will triumph over them, but it must go forth.

As the Army of God, just like Joshua, we must speak the Word day and night against this darkness, even when life is peaceful. Don’t lay down the Sword or hang it in the tent. The enemy is always at war with the righteous, therefore, we must always be at war with him.

This dragon maybe ancient and well-trained in the art of war, but there is a God whose Word is eternal and prevails over ALL things.

Teach this to your children to speak the Word of God.

This is the Word of our testimony!


The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.

Revelation 12:9


The Saints overcame the dragon by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony. They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

Revelation 12:11


Death may mean actual death or dying to flesh and taking up our crosses daily.



However, this is not a “Name It, Claim It,” message, for we are not claiming a possession, we are CLAIMING the Word of God. And as we speak this Word, God aligns our hearts with His heart so our desires become His desires. A transformation is birthed.

There was a time, I was fervently proclaiming and contending with the Word for a heart desire. Because His Word was what I was trusting in, instead of the desire, I was able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit say loud and clear, “BE STILL.” He was asking me to lay down this desire and just trust His plan, for I could not see the big picture.

There is a time to lay down heart desires, but this comes through the specific instructions from the LORD. So what I am saying is, as His Word goes forth from our mouth and becomes the Rock in which we trust, it brings forth heart desires, wisdom, instruction, provision, protection, healing, power, life, victory and guidance.



Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God.

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Romans 10:17


Believe what you speak that you shall receive and what you say.


Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Mark 11:23-24


Believe each word, sentence and promise. For each has been fulfilled through Jesus. I have heard many people say, “I have been speaking the Word and nothing has changed.” Keep going and don’t give up.

Chew on each word. Speak it slowly if needed, so that the heart and mind may fully grasp each word. Continue with diligence, and belief in what God has said will take root. Don’t let the enemy of doubt enter in and steal the Word from your tongue or your heart. We are called to believe what God says and stand on the Rock, in spite of what we see, feel, hear or touch. His Word is truth, not the natural world, not the sickness or chaos. Don’t agree with the senses, but agree with the Word!



And finally, when we speak the Word, we are speaking Jesus into our lives, our needs, our families and our land for He is the Word of God.

He is every letter, word and sentence. Speak Him!

When we speak it, we are swinging the Sword over our lives and the lives of others on their behalf -

for souls, health, marriages, children, relationships, finances, property, homes, borders, leaders, cities, nations, churches, ministries, businesses, schools and protection.

Jesus once and for all crushed Satan at the cross and since Jesus is the Word of God, then when the Word goes forth from our mouths, it defeats the enemy before us, because we are speaking Jesus. He has given us authority over all principalities of darkness, ranks, divisions. Jesus fights the battle on our behalf.

We are the Army of Christ and we are all called to use this amazing weapon God has given us and we will see a great harvest.

When God's Word is sent forth, it cannot return to Him void, it is a prophecy set in motion and also a Word already fulfilled for today through Jesus Christ. The rod of iron is the Sword which comes from His mouth to defeat the nations.


For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 19:10b


From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron.

Revelation 19:15


Begin with continual proclamation of the Word of God over every area of your life. It is a shield, a covering of blessing and protection of:

marriages, children, relationships, health, finances, property, homes, borders, land, nations, leaders, churches, ministries, businesses, schools, and homeschoolers. Cast the enemy out in the Name of Jesus for it is written.....

He can't touch you and has no authority over you, because of the Blood of Jesus, the Name of Jesus and the Word of God. It IS Jesus and must be SPOKEN out loud so the enemies of heaven can hear it. Swing the Sword!! Fight and stand up for what is rightfully yours by the finished work of Christ.



As you swing the Sword, do not stab others with the Word, nor speak it to their face - they are not the enemy. The dragon is the enemy.

And lastly, the skill of battle is repentance. Our hearts meek, humble, teachable and repentful; accepting reproof before the only One who has truly defeated the enemy.

Displayed on the side of this page, is a list of amazing verses to speak every day for whatever need that may arise. The word “collection” means a collection of verses from the list – a little bit of everything.

Read this beautiful passage in Matthew 13:1-23 about the sower who sows the word of God.






Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.  Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. 

Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. 


Scripture quotations are from The ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. 

Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

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